So I had a bit of a breakdown last night. After a dinner of pesto, salad with Simone’s Famous Dressing, and Tim Tams, the girls went to bed around 7:30pm and Dave and I plopped down on our TEMPORARY couch to begin working towards our goal of watching … [Continue reading] about The Break down of the Breakdown
Signs that we are in an Australian public school
Uniforms. Sunblock and uniform hats are required for recess. “No hat, no play.” Swim lessons are part of the curriculum. Simone has a swim lesson every day for two weeks. Willa will have her swim lessons next month. The after school program is … [Continue reading] about Signs that we are in an Australian public school
FAQ: What is Perth like?
I have been here just over a week so keep in mind anything I say or feel falls under the first stage of culture shock, which, according to Wikipedia, is the “Honeymoon Stage,” or rather, the tendency to see things in a romantic light. First of all, … [Continue reading] about FAQ: What is Perth like?
Symptoms of Jet Lag
Middle of the night steak cravings Curse-muttering to oneself Staring at the wall Bananas are tasty Inability to read more than three consecutive sentences Ability to watch more than three consecutive YouTube clips of The Ellen Show … [Continue reading] about Symptoms of Jet Lag
FAQ: Why did you move to Perth?
Why are we in Perth? What is happening? What is this Perth business? As you may know, Dave works for Chevron. He went to work there soon after Simone was born. Part of what led to Dave joining Chevron was theopportunity for all of us to live abroad … [Continue reading] about FAQ: Why did you move to Perth?