Reading #edierichterisnotalone and thinking about #alzheimers
— Kimberly Scanlon (@Scanlonspeech) June 28, 2021
“…people who are unpleasant, who are not afraid of conflicts and who show a certain anti-conformity have better-protected brains.”
BuzzFeed News

Wendy J. Fox gives a list of new Books From Small Presses That You Won’t Want To Put Down. Family secrets, popular culture, literary experimentation, and more to love in these new and forthcoming books.
Edie Richter is Not Alone
The title character in this novel is a freelancer who is adept at making dull fundraising letters engaging for potential donors. She and her husband relocate from the US to Western Australia; as Edie tries to negotiate life in a new country, she becomes more distant from her husband and enters a conflict with her neighbors. What no one knows is that Edie carries an explosive secret that has followed her to the other side of the world. Handler deftly builds tension with the lush landscape of Perth standing in contrast to Edie’s bleak outlook.
Nancy Scheemaker

Living inside the head of Edie Richter was a wild and unexpected ride.
I was quickly hooked by the author’s marvelous writing style introducing us to Edie in the throes of crisis, while rapidly revealing her quirky, conflicted, hilarious view of the world. And her deep, deep grief. This character portrait is as real as it gets. If you’re in the market for reading a highly original work with a protagonist you just want to throw your arms around – spend some time with Edie.
Reviewed at Northshire Books