We are in Madrid. The heat is relentless. As we used to say in Boston, it’s underwear-in-the-freezer weather. The kind of weather where each activity entails negotiation. We are eating at delicious, air-conditioned restaurants only after dipping … [Continue reading] about Marriage
The Wanderers
Yesterday I found a chihuahua in the middle of Noriega Street. I pulled over and stuck my arms out to oncoming cars. “Get out of the street,” I said to the tiny collarless dog. “Shoo!” She looked well-fed and slightly perplexed. Why am I in the … [Continue reading] about The Wanderers
A Good Mom
I love the sound of ski pants walking down a hallway. Swoosh, swoosh. People are up early and heading out the door. Sunscreen? Passes? Gloves? The door slams. I skied yesterday but today I’m staying back at the rental house with my friend and her … [Continue reading] about A Good Mom
I don’t retain vocabulary related to cancer. Recently someone asked me what pills I’m taking, and I needed to check the bottles. When someone asks what kind of chemotherapy I received, I need to look it up. In meetings with my oncologist, I can feel … [Continue reading] about Bourdonnement
The Unmentionable
It began with a closed bakery. The Liguria Bakery in San Francisco, founded in 1911, sells only focaccia. I learned about the place on social media, from a colleague who posted a photo of a delicious looking raisin bread. I miss a chummy … [Continue reading] about The Unmentionable